Entries by admin

Prophecy, Spirit and the Dreamtime by Jay Weidner

The mythology of our modern, high-tech culture teaches us that the last frontier for humanity is outer space. Somehow, according to this emerging mythos, the fragile human body is supposed to be able to survive the rigors of travel in outer space over vast distances. The writers of science fiction and Star Trek-style television shows […]

Awakening the Divine Feminine by Sharron Rose

It begins with a heartbeat, a breath, a quickening. Out of the still, silent waters of the mystic ocean of eternity, a tiny droplet of light slowly emerges, like the full moon reflected on the water. The doors of your perception swing open and your senses reach out like shining beams of moonlight to embrace […]

Geometry and the Sacred by Robert Lawlor

The word sacred is most often used for spiritual and religious acts, rituals, obligations or oblation. The root of this word; sacr however has a more fundamental definition as found in the word sacrum. This term refers to the form/function of the 5 bonded vertebrae at the base of the human spine. These immovable vertebrae […]

The Origin of the Lemurian Legend by College of the Siskiyous

Perhaps the most popular example of Mount Shasta lore, and a legend involving the first claim by non-Native Americans for a spiritual connection with the mountain, concerns the mystical brotherhood believed to roam through jeweled corridors deep inside the mountain. According to Miesse, “In the mid-19th Century paleontologists coined the term “Lemuria” to describe a […]

Yoga of Light by Sharron Rose

The Yoga of Light is an ancient science and spiritual practice of physical and spiritual purification and transformation. It teaches us how to perceive and regulate the radiant light and energy of divinity through our physical and luminous energy bodies. Its ultimate goal is the reunion with our divine essence and the transmutation of the […]

Kalki and the New Avatarism by Alexander Polinsky

The reactions that came hard and fast ran the gamut from irate people telling me to F**K off, to sweet notes of encouragement. One responder wanted to know how to worship me properly, another person posted very unkind words about me and blasted me for the dangerous game I was playing and began to post […]